Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Biomedico

Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation (CBMUHF) is a not-for-profit institution. It pursues the aim of protecting and promoting the human person in the field of healthcare, training, scientific, research and innovation in the biomedical and health fields, both clinical and translational.

Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital, managed by the Foundation, works in synergy with  Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (UCBM), a private university with full legal status established in 1993 to implement a cultural project focused on bringing the individual back to the center of biomedical sciences.

The hospital is characterized by synergy across the whole range of clinical, teaching and research activities.

In the project LaserBlood, Prof. Damiano Caputo is the principal investigator for FPUCBM. Prof. Caputo is the Director of Laparoscopy and Minimally-invasive Surgery and
Associate professor of General Surgery. His main clinical activity is oncologic surgery while his main research topic is pancreatic cancer.

The clinical and research experience in pancreatic cancer that Professor Caputo acquired in more than 20 years of activity, guarantee the LaserBlood consortium the presence of a researcher who deals with patient enrollment and follow-up, biological samples collection and critical analysis of the obtained results.


Campus’ WP leader – Prof. Damiano Caputo

Prof. Damiano Caputo has been a general surgeon since 2007 and works at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico. He is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome.

His main clinical and research areas include minimally invasive surgery, with a focus on general and oncologic procedures. His special fields of interest in surgical oncology are colorectal and pancreatic cancer treatment.

In recent years, he has been collaborating with researchers from other institutions on the application of nanotechnology in pancreatic cancer management.


Via Alvaro del Portillo 200 – 00128 Roma